
Start transaction (init, start)

Test data:
To success payment (VISA):4444 8888 8888 5559Expiration date:any future dateCVV:any
To failed payment (VISA):4444 8888 8888 4446Expiration date:any future dateCVV:any
To test, you must record the following line in your hosts file:

The amount must be at least HUF 50000

Entry data to initiate a loan request:

User: automata420
Password: password
SMS code: 00000000
E-pin (if necessary): 112233

To change the status of the initiated transaction, please write to your MBH Bank contact person referring to the Provider transaction ID.

Or you can use the BIG FISH Payment Gateway test interface for MBH Online trade loan:

Put testMode into extra JSON object with true value.
The amount must be at least HUF 50000

This payment service provider does not allow free simulation of every transaction status in the sandbox environment.

To change the status of the initiated transaction, please write to your OTP Bank contact person referring to the Provider transaction ID.
Test data:
To success payment (VISA):4761 3499 9900 0039Expiration date:12/31CVV:998
To failed payment (VISA):4155 5200 0000 0002Expiration date:12/31CVV:121
Test data:
To success payment (VISA):4761 3499 9900 0039Expiration date:12/31CVV:998
To success payment (MASTERCARD):5457 2100 0100 0019 Expiration date:12/31CVV:123
To failed payment (VISA, 3DS):4242 4242 4242 4242 Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To failed payment (VISA):4155 5200 0000 0002Expiration date:anyCVV:any
Test data:
To success payment (VISA):4111 1111 1111 1111Expiration date:anyCVV:111
To failed payment (VISA):4999 9999 9999 9999Expiration date:anyCVV:111
Test data:
To success payment (VISA):4056 0700 0000 0008 Expiration date:anyCVV:992

Google Pay:
You can securely use your own production Google Pay account to test payment. The test terminal will replace your valid card data with its own test card in the background and no charge will happen on your Google-stored card.
Test data:
To success payment (VISA):4000 0070 0001 0006Expiration date:anyCVV:100
To failed payment (VISA):4000 0070 0002 0005Expiration date:anyCVV:200
To success payment (VISA, 3DS: 1234):4000 0070 0003 0004Expiration date:anyCVV:100
To failed payment (VISA, 3DS: any other code):4000 0070 0003 0004Expiration date:anyCVV:200
Test data:
To success payment (SZÉP card): Card number:3086 7825 6471 9254 Expiration date:12/2030 Controlling value:213 Password:PGtest01
To failed payment (SZÉP card): Card number:3086 7825 0510 1182 Expiration date:12/2019 Controlling value:508 Password:Aa123456
Test data:
To success payment (SZÉP card):6101 3170 0000 0128CVV:497
To failed payment (SZÉP card):6101 3170 3110 0111CVV:111
SZÉP Card test data:
To success payment (SZÉP card):6101 3242 9669 0851Expiration date:09/26CVC2:leave empty
To failed payment (SZÉP card):6101 3242 9669 0851Expiration date:09/26CVC2:any number
SZÉP Card test data:
To success payment (SZÉP card):6101 3242 9669 0851Expiration date:12/29CVV:any number
To failed payment (SZÉP card):6101 3242 2781 3150Expiration date:04/40CVV:any number

The amount must be equal to 660. Click on the "Check to use info data" checkbox and do not change the Order/ProductItems/Quantity and Order/ProductItems/UnitPrice values.
EP Card test data:
To success payment:1. Card number:6101324099691940
Expiration date:12/22
CVC2:leave empty
 2. Card number:6101324024022518
Expiration date:06/21
CVC2:leave empty
To failed payment:use any real OTP EP Card
Test data:
Test data:
Test PIN (to buy without my paysafecard account):7130286683905171
Test user:
E-mail address:FWjkMvnwXS@JwRypsogma.sVO
(Please set the "paysafecash_test_user" User ID when using the above user.)
Test data:
To success payment(VISA, no 3DS):4444 3333 2222 1111Expiration date:12/29CVV:123
To failed payment (MASTERCARD, no 3DS):5000 1050 1812 6595Expiration date:12/29CVC:123
To success payment (VISA, 3DS 1):4012 0010 3714 1112Expiration date:12/29CVV:123
To failed payment (MASTERCARD,3DS 1):5150 0300 9005 0083Expiration date:12/29CVC:123
To success payment (VISA, 3DS 2 - challenge required):4245 7576 6634 9685Expiration date:12/29CVV:123
Test data:
To success payment (VISA):4444 3333 2222 1111Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To success payment (VISA, 3DS):4012 0010 3714 1112Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To success payment (MASTERCARD):5434 0210 1682 4014Expiration date:anyCVC:any
To failed payment (MASTERCARD):5000 1050 1812 6595Expiration date:anyCVC:any

Google Pay:
You can securely use your own production Google Pay account to test payment. The test terminal will replace your valid card data with its own test card in the background and no charge will happen on your Google-stored card.

(For card tokenization you must pass an email address through the extra data.)
Test data:
To success payment Amount:11 HUF
To failed payment Amount:22 HUF
To timeout payment Amount:33 HUF

Example data:
Bank account:12067008-01653891-00200003, 12067008-01653891-00300000, 12067008-01653891-00100006

(The test payment is only available in HUF currency.)
Test data:
To success payment (VISA):4242 4242 4242 4242Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To success payment (MASTERCARD):5555 5555 5555 4444Expiration date:anyCVC:any
To 3D Secure authentication (VISA, 3DS2):4000 0000 0000 3220Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To 3D Secure authentication (VISA, 3DS1):4000 0000 0000 3063Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To failed payment (VISA):4000 0000 0000 0002Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To failed payment (VISA, Lost card decline):4000 0000 0000 9987Expiration date:anyCVV:any

Google Pay:
You can securely use your own production Google Pay account to test payment. The test terminal will replace your valid card data with its own test card in the background and no charge will happen on your Google-stored card.

(For card tokenization you must pass an email address through the SCA info data or on payment page. The amount must be at minimum 175.)
Test data:
To success payment (VISA):9010 1010 5200 0002Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To failed payment (VISA):9010 1001 5200 0003Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To success payment (MASTERCARD):9030 1010 5200 0008Expiration date:anyCVC:any
To failed payment (MASTERCARD):9030 1001 5200 0009Expiration date:anyCVC:any
Test data:
To success payment (VISA):4505 1312 3400 0011Expiration date:06/24CVV:123
To success payment (MASTERCARD):5191 6312 3400 0016Expiration date:06/24CVC:123
To failed payment (VISA):4314 2299 9999 9913 Expiration date:01/24CVV:123
Test data:
To success payment (VISA):4147 4630 1111 0133Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To failed payment (VISA):4147 4630 1111 0141Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To success payment (MASTERCARD):5239 2907 0000 0101 Expiration date:anyCVC:any
To failed payment (MASTERCARD):5239 2907 0000 0119Expiration date:anyCVC:any
To success payment (VISA, 3DS)):4016 3600 0000 0093Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To success payment (MASTERCARD, 3DS)):5188 3400 0000 0060Expiration date:anyCVC:any
To issuer decline requesting the amount 99.05 in any currency, only in *test environment (VISA):4147 4630 1111 0133Expiration date:anyCVV:any
To issuer decline requesting the amount 99.05 in any currency, only in *test environment (MASTERCARD):5188 3400 0000 0060Expiration date:anyCVC:any

(For card tokenization you must pass an email address through the SCA info data. The amount must be equal to 660. Click on the "Check to use info data" checkbox and do not change the Order/ProductItems/Quantity and Order/ProductItems/UnitPrice values.)

*Test environment means, use Viva Wallet demo account and the test site of Payment Gateway during the transaction.

Technical documentation for development: Start transaction (init, start)